The following is the bibliography of the Sino-Iran project (updated 17 August 2024). See the open-access project monograph (
DZ Daozang 道藏. Beijing: Wenwu Chuban, 1986.
P. Pelliot chinois. Bibliothèque nationale de France. Manuscripts digitized on Gallica (
S. Stein. International Dunhuang Project (
SKQS Siku quanshu 四庫全書. Qinding siku quanshu 欽定四庫全書. Digitized in Kanseki Repository (
T Taishō shinshū daizōkyō 大正新脩大藏経. Takakusu Junjirō 高楠順次郎 and Watanabe Kaigyoku 渡辺海旭 et al., eds. Tokyo: Taishō Issaikyō Kankōkai, 1924–1934. Digitized in CBETA ( and SAT Daizōkyō Text Database (
TZ Taishō zuzō 大正圖像. Takakusu Junjirō 高楠順次郎 and Ono Genmyō 小野玄妙, eds. Tokyo: Daizō Shuppan Kabushiki Kaisha, 1932–1934. Digitized in SAT Taishōzō Image DB (
X Xinzuan wan xuzang 新纂卍續藏. CBETA Online Reader. (
Primary Sources
Abhidharmakośabhāṣya (Ch. Apidamo jushe lun 阿毘達磨俱舍論), translated by Xuanzang. T 1558. Paramārtha’s earlier translation is titled Apidamo jushe shilun 阿毘達磨倶舍釋論. T 1559.
*Abhidharma-mahāvibhāṣā-śāstra (Apidamo da piposha lun 阿毘達磨大毘婆沙論). T 1545.
Amituo jing shu. 阿彌陀經疏. T 1760.
Amoghapāśa-kalparāja (Bukong juansuo shenbian zhenyan jing 不空羂索神變真言經). T 1092.
*Aśokarājāvadāna. (Ayu Wang zhuan 阿育王傳). T 2042.
Beishi. 北史. Beijing: Zhonghua shuju, 1974.
Bei Wei Seng Huisheng shi xiyu ji. 北魏僧惠生使西域記. T 2086.
Bencao gangmu. 本草綱目. SKQS vols. 772–774.
Cefu yuangui. 冊府元龜. SKQS vols. 902–919. See also Wuxiu Tang 五繡堂 edn., 11 Kangxi 康熙 (1672).
Chaoye qianzai. 朝野僉載. SKQS vol. 1035.
Chengxing lingtai miyao jing. 秤星靈臺祕要經. DZ 289.
Chibei outan. 池北偶談. SKQS vol. 870.
Chu sanzang ji ji. 出三藏記集. T 2145.
Cikitsāṁgraha. See The Compendium of Ayurvedic Medicine Principles and Practice: Being an English Translation of Cikitsāṁgraha of Cakradatta. Delhi: Sri Satguru Publications, 1999.
Da baoji jing. 大寶積經. T 310.
Da foding guangju tuoluoni jing. 大佛頂廣聚陀羅尼經. T 946.
Da Foding Rulai miyin xiuzheng liaoyi zhu pusa wanxing shoulengyan jing 大佛頂如來密因修證了義諸菩薩萬行首楞嚴經. T 945.
Daofa huiyuan. 道法會元. DZ 1220.
Daqin Jingjiao liuxing Zhongguo bei. 大秦景教流行中國碑. T 2144.
Dari jing. 大日經 (Skt. Vairocanābhisaṃbodhi). T 848.
Dari jing shu. 大日經疏. T 1796.
Dari jing yishi. 大日經義釋. X 438.
Da Song seng shilüe. 大宋僧史略. T 2126.
Da Tang gu Longxi jun Li Gong muzhi ming. 大唐故隴西郡李公墓誌銘. In Quan Tang wen buyi 全唐文補遺, vol. 3, ed. Wu Gang 吳鋼, 179–180. Xi’an: Sanqin Chubanshe, 1996.
Da Tang xiyu ji. 大唐西域記. T 2087.
Da Tang xiyu qiufa gaogseng zhuan. 大唐西域求法高僧傳. T 2066.
Da zhidu lun. 大智度論. T 1509.
De Occulta Philosophia. Printed in 1533.
Dīrghāgama (Chn. Chang Ahan jing 長阿含經). T 1.
Fanyu qianzi wen. 梵語千字文. T 2133B.
Fanyu zaming. 梵語雜名. T 2135.
Fo benxing ji jing. 佛本行集經 (Skt. *Buddha-carita-saṃgrāha). T 190.
Fozu tongji. 佛祖統紀. T 2035.
Fu fazing yinyuan zhuan. 付法藏因緣傳. T 2058.
Gaoseng zhuan. 高僧傳. T 2059.
Gaoseng Faxian zhuan. 高僧法顯傳. T 2085.
Goma rodan yō. 護摩爐壇樣. TZ vol. 7: 816–841.
Guang ya. 廣雅. SKQS vol. 221.
Gujin lüli kao. 古今律曆考. SKQS vol. 787.
Haiyao bencao. 海藥本草. In Huizu dianzang quanshu. 回族典藏全書. Vol. 212, 3–66. Lanzhou: Gansu Wenhua Chubanshe, 2008.
Han shu. 漢書. 12 vols. Beijing: Zhonghua Shuju, 1962.
Himitsu giki Junwa roku. 祕密儀軌享和録. Printed in 1800–1802. Main Library, Kyoto University (/16/ヒ/2; 135925; ID RB00015429).
Honzō wamyō. 本草和名. National Diet Library of Japan (特1-218). Print from 1796.
Hou Han shu. 後漢書. Beijing: Zhonghua shuju, 1965.
Huayan jing tanxuan ji. 華嚴經探玄記. T 1733.
Jiemo. 羯磨. T 1433.
Jin guangming zuisheng wang jing. 金光明最勝王經. T 665.
Jingjiao san weimeng du zan. 景教三威蒙度讚. T 2143.
Jinshi bu wujiu shu jue. 金石簿五九數訣. DZ 932, 19: 102–105.
Jin shu. 晉書. 10 vols. Beijing: Zhonghua Shuju, 1974.
Jiu Tang shu. 舊唐書. 16 vols. Beijing: Zhonghua Shuju, 1975.
Jiuzhi li. 九執曆 (Skt.*Navagraha-karaṇa). #104 in Tang Kaiyuan zhan jing 唐開元占經, in SKQS vol. 807.
Jingjiao san wei mengdu zan. 景教三威蒙度讚. T 2143.
Ji yun. 集韻. SKQS vol. 236.
Jōgyō Wajō shōrai mokuroku. 常曉和尚請來目錄. T 2163.
Kuyō hiryaku 九曜秘曆. TZ vol. 7: 769–773. See also copy by Sōkan 宗觀 (1125). The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Item# 1975.268.4.
Kuyōtō zuzō. 九曜等圖像. TZ vol. 7: 739–748.
Liang shu. 梁書. Beijing: Zhonghua Shuju, 1973.
Lidai sanbao ji. 歷代三寶紀. T 2034.
Lingbiao lu yi. 嶺表錄異. SKQS vol. 589.
Lingwai daida. 嶺外代答. Woodblock print published in 1773. Österreichische Nationalbibliothek (Sin 524-B ALT SIN).
Liu Shu gu. 六書故. SKQS vol. 226.
Li xiaoshi. 理小識. SKQS vol. 867.
Long hu huandan jue. 龍虎還丹訣. DZ 934.
Luming bian. 祿命辯. In Zhonghua chuanshi wenxuan Ming wen heng 中華傳世文選明文衡, ed. Ren Jiyu 任繼愈, 151–152. Changchun: Jilin Remin Chubanshe, 1998.
Luoyang qielan ji. 洛陽伽藍記. T 2092.
Mahāsaṃnipāta (Dafangdeng daji jing 大方等大集經). T 397.
Man shu. 蠻書. SKQS vol. 464.
Mātaṅga-sūtra (Modengjia jing 摩登伽經). T 1300.
Mengxi bitan. 夢溪筆談. Shanghai Shudian Chubanshe, 2003.
Mian Heshang yulu. 密菴和尚語錄. T 1999.
Miaofa lianhua jing. 妙法蓮華經. T 262.
Miaofa lianhua jing xuanzan. 妙法蓮華經玄贊. T 1723.
*Mūlasarvāstivāda-ekaśatakarman (Genben shuo yiqieyou bu baiyi jiemo 根本說一切有部百一羯磨. T 1453.
Mozhuang man lu. 墨莊漫錄. SKQS vol. 864.
Nanfang caomu zhuang. 南方草木狀. SKQS vol. 589.
Nanhai jigui naifa zhuan. 南海寄歸內法傳. T 2125.
Nanshi. 南史. Beijing: Zhonghua shuju, 1975.
Nihonkoku genzai sho mokuroku 日本國見在書目錄. National Diet Library (025.22-N685-H).
Nihonnkoku Shōwa go nen nittō guhō mokuroku. 日本國承和五年入唐求法目錄. T 2165.
Nittō guhō junrei kōki. 入唐求法巡禮行記. B18n0095 (CBETA).
Picatrix. Pingree, David, ed. 1986. The Latin Version of the Ghāyat al-Ḥakīm. London: University of London.
Qiyao rangzai jue. 七曜攘災決. T 1308.
Qiyao xingchen bie xingfa. 七曜星辰別行法. T 1309.
Quan Tang wen. 全唐文. Beijing: Zhonghua Shuju, 1983.
Ratnamegha-sūtra. 寶雲經. T 658.
Saṃyuktāgama (Za Ahan jing 雜阿含經). T 99.
Sanbao ganying yaolüe lu. 三寶感應要略錄. T 2084.
Sandong zhunang. 三洞珠囊. DZ 1162.
Shetoujian Taizi ershiba xiu jing. 舍頭諫太子二十八宿經. T 1301.
Shi ji. 史記. 10 vols. Beijing: Zhonghua Shuju, 1959.
Shiyi ji. 拾遺記. SKQS vol. 1042.
Shijia fang zhi. 釋迦方志. T 2088.
Shi zhu piposha lun. 十住毘婆沙論 (Skt. Daśabhūmika-vibhāṣā). T 1521.
Shoulengyen yishu zhu jing. 首楞嚴義疏注經. T 1799.
Shui jing zhu. 水經注. SKQS vol. 573
Shuowen jiezi. 説文解字. SKQS vol. 223.
Song shi. 宋史. Beijing: Zhonghua Shuju, 1977.
Song shu. 宋書. Beijing: Zhonghua shuju, 1974.
Sui shu. 隋書. 6 vols. Beijing: Zhonghua shuju, 1973.
Sukuyō-kyō shukusatsu. 宿曜經縮刷. 2 vols. Ed. Wakita Bunshō 脇田文紹. Nagoya: Wakita Bunshō, 1897.
Sunpu. 筍譜. Harvard-Yenching Library, Harvard University (990078925120203941). Woodblock print from 1573–1620.
Taiping guang ji. 太平廣記. Printed woodblock edition. Daoguang bing wu, 1846. Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (L.sin. D 540-1/4).
Taiping yulan. 太平御覽. SKQS vols. 893–901. See also Bao Chongcheng 鮑崇城 edn, 23 Jiaqing 嘉慶 (1818).
Taizong Huangdi shilu. 太宗皇帝實錄殘. China-America Digital Academic Library (CADAL).
Tang Fan liangyu shuangdui ji. 唐梵兩語雙對集. T 2136.
Tang huiyao. 唐會要. Jiangsu shuju 江蘇書局, 10 Guangxu 光緒 (1884). Digitized on Hathi Trust (100064861) from printed copy at Keio University (152.3).
Tiangong kaiwu. 天工開物. Printed by Kawachiya Shigehachibito 河内屋茂八等, 1771. National Diet Library of Japan (特1-781).
Tō Daiwajō tō seiden. 唐大和上東征傳. T 2089, 51: 988a12–994b19.
Tong dian. 通典. SKQS vols. 603–605. See also alternate edition: Shanghai: Shangwu yinshu guan, 1935.
Tongya. 通雅. SKQS vol. 857.
Tong zhi. 通志. SKQS vols. 372–381.
Tujing yanyi bencao. 圖經衍義本草. DZ 763.
Tuoluoni ji jing. 陀羅尼集經. T 901.
Wamyō ruiju shō. 倭名類聚鈔. Print from 1617. National Diet Library of Japan (WA7-102).
Wang Ocheonchukguk jeon. 往五天竺國傳. T 2089 (975a-979b21). See also handwritten manuscript: Pelliot chinois 3532. Bibliothèque nationale de France. Département des Manuscrits.
Wei shu. 魏書. 8 vols. Beijing: Zhonghua Shuju, 1974.
Xin Tang shu. 新唐書. 20 vols. Beijing: Zhonghua shuju, 1975.
Xingxue dacheng. 星學大成. SKQS vol. 809.
Xinxiu bencao. 新修本草. Handwritten copy dated to 1889. National Diet Library of Japan (特1-3021). See also Meiji-era copy (特7-25).
Xu gaoseng zhuan 續高僧傳. T 2060. See also fascicle 16 of this text preserved as a single scroll in Japan: Kokubungaku Kenkyū Shiryōkan 国文学研究資料館 (99-51) in Japan. DOI 10.20730/200014716.
Xuting Mishisuo jing 序聽迷詩所經. T 2142.
Yan fanlu. 演繁露. SKQS vol. 852.
Yin Zhenjun jinshi wuxiang lei. 陰眞君金石五相類. DZ 900.
Yishen lun. 一神論. Reproduced as typeset edition in Saeki (1951: 30–70).
Yiqie jing yin yi. 一切經音義. T 2128.
Yizi dinglun wang yuqie guanxing yigui. 一字頂輪王瑜伽觀行儀軌. T 955.
Yogācārabhūmi. T 1579.
Yongcheng jixian lu. 墉城集仙錄. DZ 777.
Youyang zazu. 酉陽雜俎. SKQS vol. 1047.
Yuanhe junxian zhi. 元和郡縣志. SKQS vol. 468.
Yugaron gi. 瑜伽論記. T 1828.
Yuqieshi dilun lüe zuan. 瑜伽師地論略纂. T 1829.
Zhenyuan xinding shijiao mulu. 貞元新定釋教目錄. T 2157.
Zhou shu. 周書. Beijing: Zhonghua Shuju, 1971.
Zhujing yaoji 諸經要集. T 2123.
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