
Project Updates

Sino-Iranian and Sino-Arabian Relations in Late Antiquity China and the Parthians, Sasanians, and Arabs in the First Millennium.



Kotyk, Jeffrey. 2023. “The Birth of Christ and the Persian Gift Bearers in Medieval Chinese Sources.” Studi Iranici Ravennati IV: 129–139. [Link]


———. 2022. “Information on the Persian Calendar in the Wei shu 魏書 of 554.” In ABĒBĪM “Fearless”: Who Was Afraid of the End of the Millennium? New Approaches to the Interpretation of the Traditional Date of Zoroaster; with Contributions by Domenico Agostini, Jeffrey Kotyk, Paolo Ognibene, and Alessia Zubani, edited by Alessia Zubani, 209–222. Milano: Mimemsis Edizioni. [Link]

Zubani, Alessia, ed. 2022. ABĒBĪM “Fearless”: Who Was Afraid of the End of the Millennium? New Approaches to the Interpretation of the Traditional Date of Zoroaster; with Contributions by Domenico Agostini, Jeffrey Kotyk, Paolo Ognibene, and Alessia Zubani. Milano: Mimemsis Edizioni.

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